CDM published “Money Transfers to Mexico: A Manual Examining the Transfer of Funds from U.S. Advocates to Clients in Mexico,”in collaboration with the American University Washington College of Law Immigrant Justice Clinic and the Global Workers’ Justice Alliance. For years, migrant rights advocates have fought to ensure that workers whose rights have been violated receive money awarded to them by courts, administrative bodies and in settlement agreements. However, differences in banking in the United States and Mexico, increased global security concerns and professional ethics considerations have created significant hurdles to getting workers the money they are owed. These hurdles have deterred some U.S. lawyers from engaging in bi-national representation. The manual provides concrete examples, tips, and answers to help make funds distribution in Mexico more manageable for those who are involved in transnational legal advocacy.

Read More: Money Transfers to Mexico: A Manual Examining the Transfer of Funds from U.S. Advocates to Clients in Mexico (pdf)